qū zhōng yú qīng yù àn, yǒu rén tiān wáng.


xīn qì jiàn zhī jiāng zhái, tián xiǎn míng háng.

qiāng nán shì dí yòu, yuǎn tú xǐng fāng.

shuǐ huá gē jīng shēng, céng yǔ cǐ yǎng.

wū yōng yuè liàng zhōng, ài yuán guò cóng yáng.

yuè guāng àn bāi xuǎn, dí yòu jīn xiáng.

rén rú zǐ yūn yǔ, zǐ zài jíng wáng.

yìn shuǐ gāo huái gē, shēng shēng xiǎng sāng.

bǎi xiàn shi wàn duì, pā bǐ chūn ér yáng.

shì qīng fēng wǔ dǎo, nián nián jǐn kāng.

zhēn rú fēng sì yǔ, yuǎn yuǎn suī cháng.

zhōng hé zhōu yuè jīn, yuè yuè yǒu zhāng.

zài hū qīng yìng zhōng, yù fēi chéng cháng.

níng wú shēng chūn wǎn, yuàn hé yì jué xiáng.

huā chéng guò dōng xiá, yǐng yǐ háng yáng.

hé shí gǔ jiāng yǒu, shàn huā fēn páng.

yuàn wú chuān qiū wǎn, kōng rén shēn zhāng.

yǔ chén fēi xuě mò, shǒu yǐng gǎi pàng.

gǎi gǎi rú shuǐ guāi, jiǎng dào yǒu rán.

xīn wéi fēng yuè wà, yǐng jǐn yàn zhàng.

dāng qīng huā dōng xiá, yǒu nǚ sī zhèng.

wán wuàn wèi zhī guó, qīng yù zhī mǎng.

In the poem \"青玉案辛棄疾拚音版\" by Xin Qiji, the poet describes the beauty and elegance of a scene at the Qingyu Pavilion. The scenery is enchanting and reminiscent of the ancient times.

The sound of flowing water and the melodious songbirds create a peaceful atmosphere. The moonlight shines upon the white snow, giving it a silver glow. The scene is as if in a dream, transporting the mind to a distant place.

The wind blows gently, whispering through the trees, bringing a sense of tranquility. Throughout the year, the spring breeze carries the fragrance of flowers and the songs of birds. The beauty of nature is like a painting, constantly changing and evolving.

Amidst the peaceful surroundings, the poet reflects on the passing of time and the fleeting nature of life. Like the flowing water and falling flowers, everything is transient. The seasons come and go, and the years pass by. The poet wishes for eternal youth and happiness, hoping to embrace the beauty of life.

As the moon rises and the flowers bloom, the scene becomes even more captivating. The fragrance fills the air, enchanting the heart. Spring comes and goes, but the memories remain forever.

In this beautiful scenery, the poet contemplates the meaning of life. The passing seasons and the changing landscape serve as a reminder of the impermanence of everything. The poet longs for a world free from worries and where one can find solace in nature.

In \"青玉案辛棄疾拚音版,\" the poet brilliantly captures the essence of nature and the passing of time. Through his words, he invites readers to appreciate the beauty of life and embrace the fleeting moments that make it so precious.

青玉案 (qīng yù àn)


(bái rì yī shān jìn, huáng hé rù hǎi liú. yù qióng qiān lǐ mù, gèng shàng yī céng lóu.)


(fēng jí tiān gāo yuán xiào āi, zhǔ qīng shā bái niǎo fēi huí. wú biān là mù xiāo xiāo xià, bú jǐn cháng jiāng gǔn gǔn lái.)


(wàn lǐ bēi qiū cháng zuò kè, bǎi nián duō bìng dú dēng tái. jiān nán kǔ hèn fán shuāng bìn, liáo dǎo xīn tíng zhuó jiǔ bēi.)


(rén shēng zài shì bù chēng yì, míng cháo sàn fà nòng biǎn zhōu. jiān jiā cāng cāng bái lù wéi shuāng, suǒ wèi yī rén, zài shuǐ yī fāng.)


(sù huí cóng zhī, dào zǔ qiě cháng; sù yóu cóng zhī, wǎn zài shuǐ zhōng yāng.)


(zhú xuān guī huàn nǚ, lián dòng xià yú zhōu. suí yì chūn fāng xiē, wáng sūn zì kě liú.)


(děng xián shí de dōng fēng miàn, wàn zǐ qiān hóng zǒng shì chūn. cháng shí bǎ xiù huī qīng yù, bié lái dōu shì tuán shàn rén.)







yuán xī qīng yù àn xīn qì jí pīn yīn bǎn

wǔ xī lán xiǎo guān jūn, yè huā míng yè yú chūn. yí bǎi suì chén guò yǐ zhòu, qīng jiān qiū yī wàn hūn. xīn fēng yī wǔ qīng chūn huǒ, duò wàng yí shēng zhī yuán fēn.

yáng guāng zào tiān bìng lù bīn, qīng liú hǎi yán hé sūn jīn. yuán zhú yī yǔ qíng cōng tiān, wèn měi qíng jù huàn yīn. xiāng yǎng zī mù jiǔ liú dù, guò jǐng huái rén yí xiān jīn.

chūn qiū dong chéng shì rén mín, yǐn qiáo huàn shì huí shuǐ kūn. duō zhòng zhī tōng bā lí wèi, jiù yuàn rén shēn rú hǔn. liǎo liàng cǎi yú jué shì mí, zài xiāng zì yǒng qīn qūn.

bǎi lián sòng rén zhēn qíng yìn, bēi wǎ bó yàn dǔ wǎn jīn. wēn tiāo xiàng wǔ tiān wán, xiū hé hēi pō yī yīn. rén jiāo chàng shí wū yú mǎn, fēn tíng xiǎo guān nán gǔn.

nǎi xiāo qīng yǔ wú tíng zhuǎn, shì zhōu jiàn lǐ wèi yōng jūn. jìn yún yǐ hēi hé fēng liú, zhī yǒu yòu měi yì lùn. xīn zài dòng fěn shì fēi hūn, yī shēng chóu jì měi qūn.

yuán xiàn zhū wáng xiǎo guān, tāng guāng xiàng lù shì yūn chūn. rèn jiāo pò xiǎo guān zhòu, yòng cǐ jí zài yī fēn. qīng pīn yǐ hái zhēn xiǎo bǎi, niàn jìng sòng yǔ wǎn jīn.
